the charged crimes. >> geraldo: i have to leave it there. we'll follow the case with interest. thank you very much, luisa for being with us. >> okay. >> geraldo: now, to the stars of our show, before we meet the hero right here, here, take a shot of him, security guard mike jones and his lovely wife colleen, before we meet them up close and personal, craig has an exclusive with mike's costar the little old lady with the heart of a lion. >> the bay district schools board room has a fresh coat of paint, bull let holes are patched up but the emotions are still fresh. i'm with ginger littleton. one of the big heros of the day. ginger, you were sitting right at this desk when the gunman came in. tell me what went through your mind? >> the first indicateor as he came down the left side of the room was that something was odd. he said something into the microphone.