>> big time. absolutely, there was even some in the democratic conference who suggested that the administration was suggesting if it didn't go through, it could scuttle their presidency and undermine the president's political power for the remaining two years of his first term. all of these things denied by the white house, but it was not denied they tried to lift heaven and earth to make sure this thing passed. jenna: carl just mentioned, also happening right now, there's the whole funding the federal government that lawmakers have to deal with. just yesterday that $1.2 trillion spend being bill that included government funding died in the senate, and that brings a whole new dilemma because the money runs out tomorrow night. what happens if government actually shuts down? james rosen is live in washington on that story. james? >> reporter: jenna, it's not like some scene out of a nuclear war movie where the very second the button gets pressed, scenes of men hailing taxis and children playing with jacks, bulldozers are moving piles of dirt come to an abrupt halt in