sense that a short time ago i spoke with judge andrew napolitano. he confirmed my assessment as well is that this is really a holding charge for assange. this is a way to take him out of circumstance if you will. there are a couple of critical questions. is assange hiding in a country that would not extradite him to sweden? it is reported he is believed to be hiding in switzerland and ecuador. countries that may offer him asylum. the other critical question is whether sweden has new investigation in their sex crimes case against assange which has prompted this red alert or this red notice or whether there has been pressure on sweden, also on interpol by the united states and others as a result of wikileaks documents. i would assume it has been the latter, shep. >> shepard: i was going to ask you if there was a sense if he does get extradited to sweden if, in fact, svedaline hold him. >> this is one of the interesting points that judge napolitano made. he said that sweden has very liberal positions or liberal laws in terms of bail. and that his expectation is