>> harris: i read if they break open, you have to do special stuff, athre they safe. >> you cannot break these, and they are safe. >> gregg: make your own garland. >> popcorn and cranberries and origami, my son made that and collect things from nature, pine cones, sea shells and take the flower pots and paint them and use them... >> gregg: and here's a star. >> harris: gregg made that one. >> gregg: i should be that good with buttons, yeah. thank you so much! >> thanks for inviting me. >> gregg: really surprised us. >> happy holidays to all. >> gregg: that will do it for us, fox news sunday coming up next. >> harris: i always enjoy working with you. >> gregg: you'll be back at 7:00. >> harris: i am for fox report an up next, as greg said, chris wallace, stay with us. >> gregg: bye-bye.