chances for these to get done. i think, i mean they'll reach some compromise with the bush tax cut, some temporary extension of all of them, because i think it will be a tough vote for either of them to vote to raise taxes at this time. >> shannon: really, fred, with the numbers changing in january, this is their best shot at "don't ask, don't tell," the dream act. you know, how -- >> should have enacted them earlier. they had a whole two years to do all these things. they -- whose fall is it? harry reid's fault. majority leader. he left them all for the lame duck session. it'd like to see leadership from president obama on the tax issue. i agree they'll get extension on the tax cut and do a continuing resolution and that's it. >> shannon: all right. we'll watch and see as it unfolds. all right. charles, shopping, it's black friday. the economy. looks like we'll do a little better that year. >> well, we have an impulse here. on one hand we want spending to boost consumption and help the economy. on the other hand, the reason of the collapse of our