desperately trying to keep up with the heavy load but right now no idea when that situation is going to come on line. what they're telling some the airports, if you want to call the customer service line you might get, and i want to read here, either a refund or chance to rebook without a penalty. i've been trying for 20 minutes and i can't get anybody on that line, but you want to keep trying for that 1-800 number and i'll get it for you and get it up for the next tip here but the bottom line, spirit check-in is very difficult because they're having to do it old school, by hand, no computer help. back to you. jenna: tough day to go back to the old fashioned way of doing things. we'll keep everybody updated. we know a lot of our viewers are traveling today. jon. jon: they are supposed to be college students but they have turned into protestors, some of them wearing masks. these are live pictures from london's white hall district. a little bit of breakup in the feed there. but you can see the line of bobbies trying to keep back