portion of some other individual's life, unless you believe that, you cannot make the argument that you have a right to health care. it is a consumer product, and it needs to be dealt with as much as possible in the private sector. shannon: the law has been passed, but the debate is far from over. dan, neil, thank you both. >> thank you shannon. >> thank you. shannon: we are watching the power struggle on capitol hill, will house speaker nancy pelosi retain her leadership role in the democratic caucus but will a revolt knock her from the top post? we are expecting a decision from the democrats at any moment. do you remember actor nicholas cage in this role from the movie "lord of war"? it wasn't just a piece of hollywood fiction, it's based on viktor bout, an articles dealer from russia who is facing terrorism charges in a federal court in new york city. up next, why moscow is vowing to get this guy back, no matter what.