it's not going to be at the perimeter, when we check somebody at the airport going through a ma magnotometer. it's identifying the major organizations, the major leaders, dismantling them, taking the funding arrange the training camps away, getting rid of them once and for all, that's where the money should go. jenna: looks like we are probably all looking forward for that day to come. bob, mike, thank you very much. appreciate it very much. jon: interesting to see if we get any questions about terrorism on our town hall panel because as usual we're going to be putting your questions to our panel, a little bit of some of these things we're going to be talking about. jobs, an open forum today, the battle for leadership object -- on both sides of washington. jenna: we're going to follow you guys, wherever you want to go as viewers, we're going to follow you in your topics there, so send us any questions about the president's trip to asia,