elaines' bill, a thousand bucks that's nothing. >> bill: you want to go up? how much do you want. >> let's go to 5. >> bill: 5,000? you got it joining us now from washington fox news analyst laura ingraham. author of the big best seller the obama diaries. so she can afford to lose the bets. miss laura is $5,000 lighter today. it's a good cause. wounded warrior foundation. can't get better than that. >> come on, bill, we are both catholic, we believe in tithing, that was a win-win. i so didn't want to say you were right but i almost lost my voice. you ended up being right on that bet. we win some and lose some. >> bill: i want to talk to you why i was right on that bet. unlike many in the pinheaded media, i don't have anything against christine o'donnell. i think she is patriot i can for trying to do public service. very early on it became apparent to the factor staff that ms. o'donnell and her staff, with all due respect, had no idea how to run a political campaign. they didn't know what to do. >> well, you know, here was my