raese, how manchin is backing away from the president, his vote on health care. listen to this: >> the health care reform is far reaching over things i don't agree with, the mandates, also it's not strong enough to abortion. i'm prolife and we're a different type of democrat in west virginia. martha: there you go. how wealth hair -- health care is playing out in these races with eight days to go. we'll be right back. that would be... really, really bad. [ male announcer ] with banof america's zero liability guarant, you're not reonsible for any frdulent charges on your card. guaranteed. bank of america says they'll credit any fraudulent charges back to my account s soon as the next day. the next day! that makes me feel bet about using these cards. they've got my back. they've got my ba. [ male announcer ] the opportity to worry less abt fraud with the zero liility guarantee from bank of ameri.