unemployment, et cetera. maybe we need some new fresh blood in there. carolyn, can anything be done this late in the game to sway voters. in these tight races where it's just like this. what do you do to be compelling to get the people to come out for you and put your, you know, put your candidacy over the top? >> well, kimberly, think you it comes down to what happens with the get out the vote on election day. republicans are more likely to turn out than democrats this election. the democrats need to step up their game. we all see this massive tied coming where there is little question that the republicans will get at least the 39 seats that they need in the house in order to take it the big question is in the senate and, you know, i have to disagree with susan on the harry reid situation. he may well win, but it seems strange to me that he has this much power and, yet, is being seriously challenged by such a -- well, basically a flimsy candidate. she is very gaffe prone. she is not very good on the