it's very hard to change the law. they may have a right to appeal, they may cut down the award, find other reasons -- megyn: what about going after him for fraud? i'm not saying he doesn't have any injuries, okay? >> i don't know what he has, i just know what the video shows. but if, in fact, he exaggerated his injuries under oath saying he's in constant pain and, quote, it is just such a struggle from the point that i get up, you know, i don't know. i don't see a struggle on that videotape. could he be in trouble for committing a fraud potentially? >> sure, sure. if they can prove it, if they can find exactly what matches up in his testimony and can confront him with this video and other information, yeah, if he's perjuring himself -- megyn: taxpayer money. >> certainly. megyn: and and a large portion was meant to go toward taking care of his medical problems. okay, not only the mental effects, but the physical effects. what money does he need to take care of him physically at this