cnn, the jewish editor who gave him two hours to do his thing. you know, i kind of liked looking through the tweets which were overwhelmingly hostile to rick sanchez. i liked our fox's own andy, who said he's leaving cnn to spend less time with the jews. that's the way to, that's the way to handle this. >> by the way as a jew on the panel i want to thank uncle rupert for letting me come here and sit. >> jon: cnn dumped hip pretty quickly after calling jon stewart a bigot. and he had made some intemperate remarks about rush limbaugh. >> my buddy. >> jon: and remarks that appeared to be racist. is there a double standard here, a double standard? >> look, double standard between what, limbaugh and him? >> no, just, just that cnn let him get away with things for a long time. >> i think there's probably a bag story we don't know. maybe they were looking for an

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Cnn ,Rick Sanchez ,Thing ,Fox News ,Jews ,Editor ,Candy ,Tweets ,Two ,Way ,Panel ,Jew ,Uncle Rupert ,Jon Stewart ,Remarks ,Standard ,Sit ,Chip ,Buddy ,Jon Stewarta Bigot ,Rush Limbaugh ,Things ,Double Standard ,Bag Story ,What ,

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