some young people who were blind folded. the tape is breathtaking. what are we going to do about that? we some responsibility in the sense that we are paying money to this military. >> the chief of staff of the pakistani military has or add investigation. and has promised strict discipline against these people if they are members of the pakistani military. it is a gruesome tape, no doubt. the general also points out that the terrorists themselves have used pakistani uniforms, in the past, to try and discredit, the pakistani army we need to see what is going on. i didn't think we should rely just on their investigation. we need some knowledge of it as well. >> greta: i don't doubt that. this has been on the internet for sometime. it took some pounding and outrage. not like he says you are right i think we are going to investigate. i just got win of this. they've none about it.