down on cell phone use. there are now 29 states, along with the district of columbia, that ban texting while driving. but the report says even after those laws were passed, the collision rates in those states went up in one -- and one of the reasons they believe is because now more people are actually using their cell phones below the dash where the cops can't see them, but then neither can you. >> shepard: it makes it harder. transportation secretary says don't believe all of this, or at least he doesn't agree with this assessment. >> yeah. the department of transportation says this study failed to mention that you are four times more likely to get into a car crash if you're using a hand held device and for the first time in four years, they say distracted driving fatalities have actually stopped rising. the transportation secretary ray la hood says this report is completely misleading and he adds, and i'm quoting here, all the reputable research we have says that tough laws, good enforcement and increased public