them, too. >> let's start with colbert. we've been watching this all morning. i'm giving testimony, we figured out from our brain room, loosely, this costs $125,000 a shot, so what do we make of it, funny or a farce? >> funny but not the right time and place. i feel like congress got punked and it's no surprise that luv again is up for reelection. -- lofgren is up for reelection. i feel like this is a stunt to get attention. megyn: who's going to vote for her? >> put some decorum on the capitol. >> i didn't think it was that fun kwrefplt he's a funny guy but at the -- not at that place and time and immigration is a serious issue and no offense, we're short on dollars these days so let's stop clowning around. >> this fits perfectly what the democratic congress is about. it's clowns. john conyers had to shut it down. >> i'm listen to go colbert. >> being on capitol hill, i