up 12,000, to 465 thoufpl that's not a great number. and it's down 65 points now, the dow jones industrial average, 10673, trading in a range, really, for the past couple of months. we'll keep an eye on the action on wall street, let you know what's going on. >> people that voted for these trade agreements shouldn't be reelected, people that voted for wall street bailouts and t.a.r.p. maybe shouldn't be reelected. but i vote the against those things. bill: there's russ feingold, democratic sen to, earlier this month reminding wisconsin voters why he thinks they should keep him in office, new polling shows that the 3-term incumbent democrat is in danger of losing his job to a newcomer, right of your screen, ron johnson, republican, a "rasmussen poll" shows that johnson leads in that race by seven points. with me now, from his home state, ron johnson, sir, good morning to you, thank you for your time, i've looked at your platform,

Related Keywords

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