and -- when you say it's safe, they tend to break out. jon: but you know, humans have been crossing horses with doves and you get a mule, thaef been doing that for years. >> we've been doing genetic mutations for -- and there's nothing genericcle wrong with trying to improve eels by looking at genetics. in this case it is a little different because we're taking one specific sequence from one animal and moving it to the other and all i'm saying is the long term risks are unknown. jon: would you eat it? >> if a friend of mine served it to me, i wouldn't eat it but i would not prefer it. there's great wild salmon to eat. jon: thank you. >> thank you. jenna: the air waves over the attack ads and the red hot race for governor in florida, what's true, what's not? we'll sort it out for you. sarah shourd, she leaves us to ask the question

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