keeping power. one of the reasons why my opponent is back in the race is because liberals have such a difficult time releasing power. this is about changing the government, getting power back to the states so alaska can develop its own resource base without the interference and heavy hand of the federal government. jenna: mr. miller we appreciate you joining us today, thank you so much. joe miller coming to us from alaska today, thank you, sir. jon: iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad is on the stage wrapping up a speech to the general assembly. there he is. you won't believe who he is blaming now for awful the world's problems. a live report from the u.n. is next. more than a dozen states allow their residents to buy medical marijuana even though that is illegal under federal drug laws, so is the justice department doing anything to enforce its own laws? one congressman says no and joins us live to tell us what he wants to do about it. 1965, a lot of good thin came out that year