fox reports tonight. the island of bermuda is preparing for one as a cup couple of hurricanes keep churning near the united states. hurricane karl forcing mexico call authorities to shut down only nuclear power plant and few oil platforms to boot. officials in a number of cities there preparing for flash floods as the storm moves toward the center of the country. then there are the other two. forecasters confirm that hurricane igor is very powerful and potentially destructive hurricane headed right for the island of bermuda. officials there preparing for the onslaught. our senior correspondent rick leventhal streaming live from south bermuda near the capital of hamilton. rick? >> shepard, almost every forecast model shows igor on a collision course with this island which is only 21 miles long and a mile wide but has 65,000 residents making it one of the most densely populated places on earth. they have been very lucky with hurricanes over the years and this year as well dodging a couple big ones, but it does not