particular. jon: they're classified as maneaters, right? >> yeah, tiger sharks are one of the big three, along with white and bull sharks, the three species we're most concerned about. jon: the mystery here is we don't know what happened with this fisherman. he was apparently out on his boat, the boat stalled and he and another guy jumped in the water, they were going to try to swim to shore, as i understand it. would a tiger shark necessarily go after, you know, an active moving, swimming swimmer? >> yeah, a tiger shark would, but of course, tiger sharks also go after dead human beings as well. so at this point, we don't have enough information to know whether the victim was either alive or dead at the time of meeting the shark. jon: i guess that's the question, and you know, if he's dead, he's dead, but if the guy drowned and the tiger shark went after him postmortem, that's a little different than going after a guy who's actively trying to