snort turtle poop off the back of a dead stripper. >> 28 inch waist right here. thank you heroin. that would be a great ad campaign, thank you heroin. >> why is it mcdonald's responsibility to make sure americans are healthy? and why is it the government's responsibility. mcdonalds is in business to make money. they have been bullied by the food police to offer salads and apple wedges. i don't know anybody who goes to a mcdonalds and orderses that stuff. >> it is like anytime you open a menu there is the salads on the left hand side. pick a salad. >> you know what i love, people will eat salads, and then they will just smother it with thousand island dressing because that's what we want. we want the fat. michelle was talking -- the first lady was talking about replacing french fries with apple supplieses. >> please. i want my french frieses and i will not replace them no