folks, there will be nothing else to feed off of. you're killing the host organism. >> we discussed letterman and jon stewart beginning to mock obama in their late night routines. do you think that has any effect in the culture? is that going to hurt him? >> i -- listen, getting mocked by them is its own red badge of courage. you know that. i'm talking about down home, out in the heartland, everybody knows this isn't working. that's the creepy thing. they're used to us throwing brick bats at each other and everybody is saying they're being mean, because they hate them. there's the general consensus in the middle right now that this guy is like any civil service employee, he's a bit of a screw-up. >> starting to worry me. >> the mood of the country is it's not working right now. ok, now -- >> it is not working, billy. >> there's a woman named cynthia tucker who i've never met her but she hates me and by extension, miller, she would hate you because you and i are

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President Obama ,Nothing ,Effect ,Jon Stewart ,Host Organism ,Late Night Routines ,Bernie Goldberg ,Heartland ,Culture ,Red Badge Of Courage ,Isnt Working ,Down Home ,Us ,Bit ,Guy ,Thing ,Each Other ,Consensus ,Throwing Brick Bats ,Service ,Employee ,Middle ,Dennis Miller ,Country ,Woman ,Cynthia Tucker ,Mood ,Billy ,Screw Up ,Extension ,

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