philosophical perspective. i think that is enough. if republicans win the house of representatives or the senate or one of those chambers everything changes. they will have to be much more specific and proab tiff and offering solutions and propose as -- proposals. until they run something i don't think voterser going to care as much about what they have to say. gregg: thank you. >> thank you jamie: the unemployment rate has been hovering around 10% for months now. that is nothing compared to iraq where estimates put unemployment there as high as 30%. to help the u.s. government is pumping millions of dollars to create jobs and get the country back on its feet. melanie wilkes is streaming live from baghdad, tell us more. >> reporter: the official unemployment rate according to u.s. officials is around 18%, unofficial estimates put it around 30% after seven years of war. that's why the u.s. has programs to encourage lending to small businesses and to stimulate job