thus far committed suicide and still counting. >> mike: almost twice as many people came home from vietnam and killed themselves that were killed in the war. >> that's exactly right. the hidden wounds of war, movement of the heart, soul, spirit and mind are traumatic and it's a national epidemic. we are throwing millions of dollars at it. hundreds of millions of dollars. the department of defense, veteran affairs, working it hard, and military chaplains working but we haven't abated the suicide trends or post traumatic stress disorder. homelessness. a quarter of the nation's homeless are veterans. much of that is related to traumatic stress as well. >> mike: nate wrote "two wars." remarkable book. great story of the war you fought in iraq/afghanistan and the war you fought in your own heart and soul. and nate, you teamed up and you work with general dees people like him and speaking and telling your story. are there people that just