idea. and their responsibility. if it's not and it's like what the house democrats did to the bush administration, towards of the end, not a good idea. and a total waste of taxpayer dollars. >> laura: i couldn't agree more. >> but if it merits it, yes, they should. >> laura: repeal obama care first and move on to the other issues. dana, great to see you. >> okay. >> laura: is the tea party toxic for the republican party? president bush's former chief writer thinks so. he will be here. later, michelle obama's poll numbers are dropping. will she be able to rebound after her big spain vacation in a moment. don't want you going out onhose yet. and leave your phone in ur purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thas dad. >> and call me--t not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming.