of the woods and as brian mentioned, really, really drunk, what's interesting is after he asked the driver, are you muslim? they exchanged pleasantries. it turns out this particular film student, this michael enwright guy had be been in afghanistan and in fact was making a film about a high school buddy as he travelled through boot camp and then was embedded with the marines over in afghanistan for a number of weeks. so he comes -- he comes back home, goes berserk on tuesday. suddenly everybody is going look, that guy went berserk because clearly, this islamaphobia that is brewing in lower manhattan because of the mosque, that's the reason that guy slit his throat! >> when in fact, obviously, it's much more complicated and in fact, quite different and the reason that people have said that this was the first anti-mosque hate crime was because the driver thought that it was a hate crime on him after being asked, are you muslim and then the student said something in arabic. so that was the driver's