church has to face sin, call sin what it is, as sin and also the priest who is are guilty of abuse have to be punished for their crimes. rick. rick: greg burke, live for us from rome, greg, thank you very much. jenna: going back to indianpolis right now, where the vice president is addressing this crowd at the convention of the veterans of foreign wars, talking about a way forward in iraq. you can see all the comments live at he's also expected to talk about our way forward in afghanistan as well. a couple of key points he touched on is the progress of the iraqi security forces, saying that iraq is ready to take charge. we're going to bring in now army reserve lieutenant colonel tony schafer, director of external communications for the center for advanced defense studies. so colonel schafer s. iraq ready to take charge? >> i think in many instances, in many ways, they absolutely are, but let's be upfront about the fact it's really about internal security, what they can do internally, not