course on everyone's mind, have you learned your lesson. >> i have. and it's-- i've learned my lesson, i learned that you can't break curfew and get away with it, so-- i mean, it's creative. >> robert, is she finished with those 30 hours of baby-sitting community service as you call it and would you recommend this to other parents? >> no, not quite. no, she's not quite finished yet. roughly about halfway through, but we expect that to be resolved in the next couple of weeks or so. i'd absolutely recommend it to other parents. we tried to individualize the punishment to make sure she gets something out of it and i think she has. >> i think so. she looks like so innocent. i wonder if the parents are concerned about having the troublemaker baby sit though. robert and kirsten raush, we appreciate you being here. >> thanks. >> new credit card rules, go into effect today. what you need to know about late payment fees coming up in