purina puppy chow and purina dog chow. >> all right. welcome back. some quick headlines on this thursday. facebook is launching a location feature. facebook places lets people share their exact location with friends from their mobile phones. the feature already raising privacy concerns since it uses a g.p.s. like monitoring service. do you want people to know exactly where they are? snooki is being charged with being annoying. in a hearing related to her july 30th arrest in new jersey, prosecutors accuse the jersey shore star of annoying people at the beach. the 22-year-old pled not guilty. she was arrested for, i believe, falling down drunk. brian? >> all the rhetoric and debate over the ground zero mosque, there are some serious questions about the source of the funding. it's going to cost $100 million, remember. and now we're learning the imam behind the mosque may accept money from iran and saudi arabia won't rule it out. one congressional candidate is