fall. but the issues are going to continue to be the economy, jobs, deficit spending, obama care. but the white house and democrats particularly democrats who are up for election this year cannot be happy that the president injected this issue into this campaign at this time. choose up valuable days. we now spent valuable days talking about it every candidate out there is going to be asked about it chew up a couple more days at the local level. most candidates i suspect on the democratic side are going to follow senator harry reid and congressman john altmire and others who have now come out and said we believe it doesn't is be built at that particular site. that's a reasonable position. we have plenty of rights but we don't always find prudent to exercise rights. >> bill: look. this isn't about religious freedom or anything like that, as i said. when is the last time far left wanted religious freedom? they want to knock the correctional out of -- cresh for public square. they don't want christmas lights. you just said the democratic