bill: nancy allison, she'ses crowned her husband calling queen, nancy is with us outs of illinois. how are you doing, fancy nancy! >> fancy nancy, that is what my husband calls me. bill: really! >> i'm great, how are you. bill: doing fine. you went to the state fair this weekend. and you had no plans to give that rendition. what changed. >> correct. right. we went with our friends and the wife had never been to the fair before, and, some of the events they wanted to see, one of the ones they wanted to see was the husband and hog-calling contests. and we went over to the venue, and they know that i am loud and sing and they said, you have to do this, you have to do this and my husband said, you must do this! so, oh, why not and, i backed out a couple of times. and... bill: you are singing your husband's name, right?