engaged. i think it's too early in this presidency to give him a grade. i think that american citizens have to grade themselves and get involved. you have to e-mail your congressman or woman. i think that one of the gifts -- yes, i would say one of the gifts of the tea party is their activism, and so i think that all americans need to be fully engaged. in fact, that is what we're supposed to do. our competition helps us do that, our founding fathers tell us to do that. and really, all of the great presidents. fdr told a. phillip randolph when he wanted to have a march in 1941, he was complaining of segregation in the armed forces, he said you you know, i agree with every grievance you have but now you must march in the streets and do it and that's what americans must do if they want change. march marp you're urging people to get involved if they don't like the way things are going. thank you very much, good to have you with us today. >> thank you very much. bill: you talked about the stimulus and on that signature plan, here's what california congressman kevin