tea party, they could be the reader for the anti-tax movement in new york state. we have been very clear where we stand on spending and taxes and the size of government. so we are the originators. we are the original tea party. >> well, if the taxpayer party line gets 50,000 votes in november, it will stay on the ballot in new york for the next election. in the next hour, a conservative activist who has been involved in the party drive. for more on this story go to fox news .com and check out our election headquarters. you can see that article and a look in this controversy. some members of the tea party movement don't like it. we'll have more on that in the next hour. jaime? >> a major medical breakthrough helping doctors diagnose alzheimer's well before any symptoms occur. dr. rosenfeld on sunday house call. he will be here to tell us what you need to know. and chaos in the nation's capital. fire erupts blocks from the