excuses for that. having been a former mayor, geraldo, i will tell you and let me give you an example back in 1980 john paul franklin came through cincinnati and shot two innocent black children. this was a racial bigot that was on a killing spree. the issue was do we go in to a racial decide in the african american and white communities of cincinnati or do we understand that we as a community have to begin to deal with these acts -- wanton acts of violence and that is exactly what we did. >> geraldo: hold on, let me get al on before the break and we will come back to both of you after the commercial. reverend al, time to lower the tone or ignore race at our peril or both? >> i think we need to have the embracing of the discussion and i think that we have made a lot of progress and we made progress when we did deal with race and deal with bias. but i think to try and act as