had record lows. it's human nature to try to make yourself look good but sometimes, sometimes it's human to insist things aren't so bad. try telling a guy out of the job about the jobs you're creating or saving. he ain't seeing it. forgive him if he is upset you keep bragging about it. try telling him, it was worse when you got in office. he still doesn't have an office, or a job, or anything. try telling him that without stimulus things would be a lot worse now. and all on the same day, the woman who helped craft the stimulus is leaving us now. christina romer said the stimulus would keep unemployment climbing above 8% leaving washington with it around 9.5%. americans aren't eating it but ib creasingly they -- increasingly they think those piling on the crap are idiots and worse liars. man, oh, man. just read them and weep. that will do it here. about an hour from now on the fox business network where