it's ld lie jaws the movie all over again. before i address that epidemic what do you do if you have an unfoantunate encounter in the water with one of these beasts. brother craig traveled to the bahamas to find out. >> geraldo, it's shark week. how do you celebrate shangs wee at it go diving with shary o? i am with michelle cove she runs cove shark diving adventures here in the bahamas. how popular is it? >> we take thousands of people diving with shangss every year. nowot only diving but snongseli as well. twice a day snorkeling and divin ya >> wavag't are thyour m? >> caribbean reef sharks. >> friendly i take it? >> hopefully friendly. >> it's a matter of debate. some claiming feeding operations like this one assimilate shangs to hfatans mpaiing attacy o mor likely. studies show this is not the