laden's location. that same official said believe me, if his exact whereabouts were known, he wouldn't be there. now to comments from the man behind the site that made all those documents public. he is the founder of wikileaks. u.s. officials say the leak may have put some lives in danger and now he is responding. "the fox report's" chief correspondent jonathan hunt with the news. what is he saying today to us? >> he spoke one on one with our own judge napolitano today in an interview which will air in full on the judge's "freedom watch" show on the fox business network this weekend. now, during the interview conducted from a secret location in london, the judge asked him directly if he felt he had put lives at risk. listen. >> do you think any americans or afghanis or pakistanis or innocents might be harmed as a result of your publication, your release of these documents? >> well, this material is only