this is, after all a center right country. but the results of his policies are what has really made the difference, laura. and the unemployment rate is the key figure here. it remains persistently high. and as long as that was the case, he was destined to lose more and more public support and that's exactly what's happened. and so he is now in a situation where his policies have not really been strong enough medicine to please his left,and the right and center are alienated by their results as well. and he is in a politically, in a very bad spot, indeed. >> laura: i want to get to the net roots speech he gave via video in a second. but, brit, he is losing support among pretty much everyone, including some in his own party. young people are leaving him. independents in droves are leaving him. white voters. we already know that story. even latino support has eroded a little bit. so now he moves on to the net roots convention and he dresses the left wing activists who are kind of getting restless on the edges.