that we have absolutely got to continue the secure border initiative started with president bush and continue, though to a lesser resource level, by the obama administration. so that means, for example, under president bush we doubled the size of the border patrol, and we built 670 miles of fence, we deployed some of the highest-technology available in the former of ua vchv, et ceterd the president announced deployment levels of 1200 troops of the national reserves to the border and others like john mccain, i think has it right, we need to look at higher levels of deployment, along the lines of what president bush did around 6,000 troop level. >> gregg: they used to limit the violence to mexican citizens and now, they changed their tactics. how disturbing is that? how worried should we be. >> we should be worried and here's why. as you said, that is exactly right, the red lines are --

Related Keywords

President Obama ,Administration ,Level ,Example ,President Bush ,Resource ,Secure Border Initiative ,Et Ceterd ,Size ,Former ,Fence ,Border Patrol ,Ua Vchv ,670 ,Border ,John Mccain ,Levels ,Troops ,Others ,Lines ,Reserves ,Deployment ,1200 ,6000 ,Gregg ,Violence ,Citizens ,Tactics ,

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