to find out what spurious means. look, the unions have priced themselves out of every job market, gary references the autos. yep, now they're trying to price themselves under the teaching market and this is not what you want. you want free markets, you want free flowing capitalism, in the board room you especially want that 'cause you want your businesses to thrive, putting ut union representation in the board room, terrible, terrible idea. >> i'd he go the other way here, first off, they're not going to own enough shares to make a difference in the overall government. but maybe, just maybe, they would see how a real business runs. i'm in the board of multiple companies, when you're involved in a board and making decisions and getting facts you have to make imperfect decisions on imperfect information, maybe they would see many times how bad they are for the outcome of that company, for the profitability of that company, and heavens, you know, heavens to say this, the profitability of the company is directly correlated to the success of the hiring rate of the company. >> brenda: jonas tell me where