democrats in the senate and the vote needed to pass obama care. mr. ritchie was the acorn supported candidate through a george soros group for secretary of state and there have been allegation he has not been playing at a level with regard to this race. megyn: we just had this debate with consider spiwith kirsten p. we don't want to worry about that because it doesn't increase turnout. >> when the minnesota majority took their complaint to the justice department they never heard back. megyn: they say they took their complaint november 2008 and october 2009. that would have been the bush doj and the president obama doj. >> i think the problem with the justice department goes across

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Vote ,Group ,Senate ,Mr ,Democrats ,Allegation ,Secretary Of State ,Acorn ,Candidate ,Obama Care ,Ritchie ,George Soros ,Megyn Kelly ,Debate ,Race ,Regard ,Spiwith Kirstenp We Don T ,Playing ,Level ,Department ,Doesn T ,Complaint ,Justice ,Conservative Minnesota ,Majority ,Increase Turnout ,President ,Problem ,Obama Doj ,Bush Doj ,November 2008 ,October 2009 ,2009 ,2008 ,

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