them because they let them take a test over and over and over again until they pass. and i'm sure with many of the viewers and you all, that didn't happen to us. we failed. we failed and we had to learn how to fix it. >> how dare they use a red pen. here's something that confuses me. mindy, hang on. the kids that you see getting into colleges today have to do so much more to get into colleges than when i had to. i mean, they have to have extracurricular activities all over the board and volunteer and their time, i mean, is carefully scheduled out so are we dumbing it down because the requirements are so much more for students to get into college today? >> you know, that's a really good question. and i could not answer that question but yes, they do have to do a lot more. they have to do a lot more extracurricular and volunteer work but i've noticed there seems to be a difference between the parochial and private schools vs. the public schools,