i'll respond to it. >> if you're so right, why is it confidence plunging today? why is the economy slowing all over? you know what? i admire you but we're out of time. they're in my ear saying we're flat out of time. >> you're not responding. you're for the responding to it. >> i'm sorry, it was a pleasure, julienne epstein. oil platforms and refineries shut down. could this hit you at the pump? >> meet a tax hike you don't like, meet the guy to wants to become a card carrying member. u fifteen percent or more on car insurance? does a former drill sergeant make a terrible therapist? patient: and that's why yellow makes me sad. i think. sarge: that's interesting. you know what makes me sad? you do! maybe we should chug on over to mambie pambie land where maybe we can find some self-confidence for you.