>> uh-oh, spaghetti-o's. >> no spaghetti-o's at my house. >> there is at mine! republican congressman joe barton causing quite the uproar yesterday, it was the most exciting part because the other guy wasn't saying anything. he accused the president of a $20 billion shakedown of b.p. vice president joe biden quickly responded calling the remarks outrageous. the texas congressman later apologized for his comments. >> the judge thinks that barton may have been right. how so, judge? >> well, the government doesn't have the -- we don't know what happened in the oval office. but you guys reported and the vice president did not deny that he walked in and basically said give us the $20 billion or we will take it from you. >> that's right. >> that's a classic shakedown. the threat to do something that you don't have the right to do. >> they weren't obligated by law to do it. >> correct. correct. and the fifth amendment, remember the constitution? joe biden took an oath to uphold it. said if the government wants your life, liberty or property, it has to sue you for it on the basis of laws that already