but we're gonna get there. i guess there was a song "somewhere out there" in "american tale." somewhere out there, but where? >> i think it was meatloaf, two out of three ain't bad. >> bat out of hell. >> what stuck out to me, too, peter was at the end the invoking of god. he must have said prayer five or six times and i thought that was a little unusual. >> well, you're right. i think many of us are for prayer and i'm certainly for prayer. but at the end, he said we pray that a hand may guide us through the storm towards a brighter day. and i believe in invoking the good lord. but when you're set about to inspire a nation, to lead a nation, to give a lot of different alternatives and say i don't know which one we're gonna use. we'll use one of them but we're strong and smart and resilient people, the question comes back to what you guys said earlier in the show, how you gonna plug the