to. i want to say out of your business, and tourism. no one is going to come into your state. and avoid anything. >> yes. >> i'm on pro boycott. soon to be majority of american as agree with me. >> all right. >> this is a short sighted move. >> is it this? this is an interesting point. what he's talking about is like a trade war in the united states. 50 right. >> it's hilarious it works. >> no. it doesn't. money is color blind. there are hundreds of millions of dollars arizona spends in california. arizona screws with california, and at the end of the day they're going just say what the hell are we doing? this is going hurt hispanics more than anything. who owns these big businesses? i mean there are a lot of hispanics that are running these business buzz work for them. ancient history. and work with martin luther king day. >> that was a new thing. they wanted to vote on it and this is different.