white house is former seiu head andy stern. he and obama are like that. this is a plot hatched by stern and obama to try to drive more people under the payroll before the election. >> david: rich has the last word on this one. coming up, why spending billions of u.s. rescue dollars to greece means more big fat bail-outs in america. that's at the bottom of the hour. first on "forbes," the three things happening in d.c. right now that are setting the stage for $5 gas this summer. he energy business. but we're also in the showing-kids- new-worlds business. and the startup-capital- for-barbers business. and the this-won't- hurt-a-bit business. because we don't just work here. we live here. these are our families. and our neighbors. and by changing lives we're in more than the energy business we're in the human energy business. chevron.