like patrick kennedy, the congressman there, she might have been told you cannot see the sack sacraments by the archbishop who is adamant about. this under the constitution which says congress should make no law respect ago an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, preachers are entitled to give their point of view on moral issues of the day if they bleed over into politics. that is what roger cardinal mahony of los angeles has done. that's what ms. pelosi has taken her cue from him. he says it's a moral issue. as catholics, we must support a humane program to deal with these illegal aliens. that's mahoney's point of view. go ahead. >> i'm 100% with you on the idea that i, of course, when i go to church i expect that the pastor might talk about some moral issue. >> bill: you do right? >> i do. a political issue, too. that's not the issue. but the issue here, it seems to me, is that we have politicians, republicans and democrats