the indefensible. this is the most irresponse decision any administration made when they said they would hold the trials of khalid sheik muhammad in lower manhattan. you will in effect make it impossible for people to live in the area and businesses with be gone. and new york city and the region is already the number one terrorist target in the world. this would only increase it. i don't believe they should be getting civilian trials anyway. unbrennajohn brennan has to tat how we have to be respectful of the rights of khalid sheik muhammad. if he wanted to do is in an ex-pa dishouse way, he would have plead guilty a year ago. this was wrong. the trial should never be held and why they leave it out there, i think what it is, is eric holder is a liberal idealog, he doesn't want to back off from this and presents a picture of confusion to the country and the world that the president and rahm emanuel made